The impact of Donald Trump on the Cannabis and HHC market

Donald Trump's impact on the cannabis and HHC market

Since the inauguration of Donald Trump as President of the United States in 2016, the cannabis and cannabis industry HHC (Hemp-derived Cannabinoid) has been constantly evolving. The president's statements and policies implemented have had a significant impact on this growing market. In this article, we will explore key decisions made by Trump and how they influence the future of the cannabis and HHC industry. Many sites offer discounts on CBD and HHC like Weecl with promo codes.

Trump's initial stance on cannabis

During his 2016 election campaign, Donald Trump took a rather vague position on the issue of cannabis. He said the issue should be resolved by individual states, and that he did not oppose the medicinal use of cannabis. However, he also expressed concerns about the increase in cannabis use among young people and the potential negative effects on public health.

The nomination of Jeff Sessions

One of Trump's first decisions regarding cannabis was the appointment of Jeff Sessions as Attorney General. Sessions was known for his staunch opposition to cannabis and for his stance that cannabis was “dangerous” and should be “avoided at all costs.” This appointment caused concern within the cannabis and HHC industry, and many feared it would lead to increased crackdowns on cannabis businesses.

Cole's script

Another important decision by Trump was the repeal of the Cole ruling in 2018. The ruling was put in place by the Obama administration in 2013 to provide guidance to federal prosecutors on how to handle cannabis laws in states that had legalized cannabis for medical and recreational purposes. The repeal of this ruling was seen as a major setback for the cannabis and HHC industry, and raised concerns about increased enforcement of cannabis at the federal level.

The 2018 Farm Bill

Despite setbacks, the HHC industry saw a significant success in 2018 with the Farm Bill. This law legalized the cultivation, production and sale of industrial hemp, defined as cannabis containing less than 0.3 % THC, nationwide. The move was welcomed by the HHC industry, which had long sought to legalize the cultivation of hemp for its CBD production.

The COVID-19 pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has also had a significant impact on the cannabis and HHC industry. As an essential sector, many cannabis dispensaries and businesses have continued to operate despite business closures in other sectors. However, the pandemic has also led to a decline in demand for cannabis products, particularly among consumers.

recreational enthusiasts. Travel restrictions have also affected the cannabis and HHC industry supply chains, leading to disruptions in production and distribution.

The Future of the Cannabis and HHC Industry Under the Biden Administration

With the inauguration of Joe Biden in January 2021, the cannabis and HHC industry was looking forward to a change in direction from policies implemented under the Trump administration. Biden has expressed support for legalizing the medical use of cannabis and eliminating mandatory sentencing for cannabis crimes. However, he also said he would support the current classification of cannabis as a Schedule I substance, meaning it is considered to have a high potential for abuse and no valid medical use.

Despite uncertainty about the future of the cannabis and HHC industry under the Biden administration, the industry remains constantly evolving and continues to grow. States continue to legalize cannabis for medical and recreational purposes, and new HHC companies are being created to meet the growing demand for CBD products. The cannabis and HHC industry remains a growing sector with numerous opportunities for entrepreneurs and investors.

In conclusion, Donald Trump's impact on the cannabis and HHC industry has been significant, but uncertainties remain regarding the future of this industry under the Biden administration. Despite this, the industry continues to grow and evolve, providing numerous opportunities for businesses and investors.


  1. What is HHC? HHC (Hemp-derived Cannabinoid) is a cannabinoid compound derived from industrial hemp, containing less than 0.3 % THC.
  2. Which US states have legalized cannabis? To date, 36 US states have legalized cannabis for medical purposes and 15 states have legalized cannabis for recreational use.
  3. What is the impact of classifying cannabis as a Schedule I substance? The classification of cannabis as a Schedule I substance means it is considered to have a high potential for abuse and no valid medical use, making it difficult for researchers to conduct studies on its medicinal properties.
  4. What are the disruptions to cannabis production caused by the COVID-19 pandemic? The COVID-19 pandemic has led to disruptions in the cannabis and HHC industry supply chains, leading to delays in production and distribution.

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